Fachverband Holzpflaster e.V. | Rethelstraße 28 Hof | 40237 Duesseldorf | Germany


Production energy requirement of
various construction materials
Construction Material
Production energy
requirement (kWh/t)
Brick clay
0 - 2,5
5 - 7,5
Lime-Stone Brick
250 - 300
Vertical coring Brick
Roof Tiles
Aerated Concrete
8.200 - 20.000

Wooden flooring and the environment

Wood is the only renewable raw material whose production places no stress on the environment. During their growth phase, trees absorb substantial quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. At the same time they give off oxygen. European forests are managed according to the principle of sustainability. Every year, at least as many trees are planted as are felled. Wood stocks in Europe have improved, and the land area devoted to forestry has also increased significantly..

Wood helps against the greenhouse effect

The heat-insulating properties of wood reduce air contamination by harmful materials. When using wood as a construction material, the carbon dioxide harmful to the atmosphere remains bonded in the wood, and therefore contributes to reducing the greenhouse effect. The use of wood therefore constitutes practical environmental protection!

Wood – an energy-saving construction material

Wood as a construction material has the lowest energy consumption for its production, transport and processing. Wood is also an excellent insulating material.

Wooden floors and ecology

On the basis of the latest international standards (ISO – 14040 ff), the Technical University of Munich has produced an ecological balance for wooden floors – including woodblock flooring. According to this balance, the adverse environmental effects throughout the service life are
extremely low. Quite the contrary in fact, because during production and use, they counteract the anthropogenic greenhouse effect.

The results of the ecological balance can be requested from the publisher of this document. The use of sealing agents containing water or acrylic, and dispersion adhesives also enables environmentally-friendly processing when used with the necessary auxiliary materials.

Recycling is no problem. Even woodblock flooring treated with coatings and bonding agents can be mechanically processed back into usable wood materials or used to generate energy. The cycle is complete.

©2011 Fachverband Holzpflaster e.V.